Buckhead Historic Preservation.
Engaging Events.
Buckhead Heritage Society

Irby's general storeIn 1935, historian and artist Wilbur Kurtz interviewed Henry Irby’s grandson, Seaborn Ivey, about his ancestor’s famous store:

“The store was a one story frame building—faced east—had a porch and there was one chimney . . . Store was about 20 x 40 feet in size. It sat in the NW angle of Paces Ferry Rd. and Roswell Rd. Henry sold groceries and liquor. Nearby was a fenced-in lot where drivers could park their turkeys, hogs or cattle, for the night.”


Kurtz later painted this depiction of early Buckhead.

Watercolor of Buckhead ca. 1850, by Wilbur G. Kurtz, Artist, 1949. Image courtesy of the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center.



Norris Broyles, Jr. recalls going to Jacobs’ Drugstore with his friends when he was young.



Henry Howell recalls the businesses he frequented on Peachtree Road in the Buckhead Village when he was young.


Buckhead Heritage Society
3180 Mathieson Drive, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30305

© 2018 Buckhead Heritage Society