
Mose Bond was born in Dalton, GA, in 1937, but came to Atlanta in 1955 to attend Emory University. Mr. Bond has lived and socialized in Buckhead all of his adult life. He recently retired from a 47-year career at Suntrust Bank.

Abstract of Interview

Mose Bond talks about his time at Emory University and what brought him to Buckhead. He describes the social life of a bachelor in Buckhead in the 1960s as well as his long career at Suntrust Bank. Mr. Bond also touches on many other subjects; he discusses Martin Luther King Jr. and integration, Lenox Square, as well as his preservation work in the Buckhead community.

Interview by Caroline Johnson and Chad Wright, August 11, 2009

Read the transcript.


In the video clip below, Mose Bond recalls the debut parties he attended growing up in Atlanta, including balls sponsored by the Cotillion Club and the Assembly Club.


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Buckhead Heritage Society
3180 Mathieson Drive, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30305

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