A Storied Evening

Calhoun-Thornwell Estate

Benefiting Buckhead Heritage

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Seven O’Clock

The Calhoun-Thornwell Estate

Melanie Turner and Stan Benecki

3418 Pinestream Road

Enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, and music.

About the House:

The Calhoun-Thornwell Estate, also known as the Pink Castle, was completed in 1923 by the renowned Atlanta architectural firm Hentz, Reid & Adler. Inspired by the Italian villas Cuzzano near Verona and Gori in Siena, this iconic home was considered “one of the showplaces of Georgia” in the years after its completion.

Photo credit: Beacham & Company, Realtors. For permission to use the above photograph, please contact Beacham & Company, Realtors.

Tickets are no longer available for this event.

Ladies & Gentlemen’s Committee
Barbara & Frank Bazzel Tamara & Ken Bazzle
Suzette & Stan Brading Penny & George Hart
Bonnie & Bob Helget Margaret McCamish
Tracy Gray Monk Dr. Abner & Carol Moore
William E. Pennington Melody & Joe Thomas
Linda DeFoor Wickham  

Buckhead Heritage Society
3180 Mathieson Drive, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30305

© 2018 Buckhead Heritage Society